We encourage you to bring items so that we can reach our goal of making a minimum of 50 bags.
If you are attending, you are welcome to bring a snack for yourself or to share
If you cannot attend, we would encourage you to drop off items in the “Blessings Bags” box, located in the foyer of the lounge.
Help us provide support and serve those in need
with The "blessing Bags" Initiative
Mission Acres is moving forward with an initiative that will have us providing support and serving those in need, on a regular basis.
For the month of December, we are making “Blessing Bags” that we will deliver to the Mustard Seed.
Join us on Monday, December 6th at 6:30 pm in the arena lounge as we will be filling the "Blessing Bags". We are delivering the bags on Dec 13th, so if you still want to contribute, please email Darlene at darlene@missionacres.ca and she will arrange a time for you to drop off the items.

"For even the son of man came not to be served but to serve others
and to give his life as a ransom to many"
Matthew 20:28
Our “Mission” is to spread kindness! We welcome your thoughts on what we can do as a community that will allow us to provide support, serve those in need, and make a difference in the lives of others! We will update you as the various initiatives are created.